Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Quoteables: Sept 2012

I love some of the things that fly out of my compatriot's mouth's while we're off in RPG land having fun. Here are some of the gems that came of Pathfinder.

Ice Giant demi-god: I can give you the power to turn undead.
Shane as Gunyark Bitterbrew (a dwarf cleric who cannot turn undead): I have nothing of you!
Chris as Thunk Not-an-Orc (human druid, usually in beast form, is a panther): But then you'll be WHOOOOLE.

After my character Flannery the Alchemist tells Thunk who has somehow mistaken unsmelted silver for tuna and tries to eat it to let her weigh and measure any of the tuna he eats for an experiment in making people turn blue Page just had to interject OOC.

Page: Hey! Maybe that's why nobility was called 'blue bloods'. It's because they ate off of silver dishes and silverware and turned blue!

Bitterbrew: *goes to open the portcullis with the stairs on the other side*
Thunk: Don't touch! Stairs will escape.
Bitterbrew: What?!
Thunk: Nothing on the other side but Stairs. Portcullis has no reason to be there except for Stairs. So, if opened Stairs will escape.
Bitterbrew: I see you had an extra helping of stupid this morning.
Thunk: Well you had extra helping of SHORT!

OOC banter that makes me laugh every time.

Page: A Horriblist is a person who shoots giant cross bows.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Jex: Maybe if you hold on to the cross bow bolt.
Chris: Then you'd be dead.
Jesse: No, like, hold it backwards, hold the bolt with one hand and with another bolt in the other hand hit the trigger. *makes end over end gesture with his hands*

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's been Toooooo Looooong

Other than the nerve wracking intro to my husband's newest Stress Exercise... er I mean.... Shieldless Chapter I've been on the Island of No RPGing.

I feel kinda sad.

However, I have been glued to the internet, figured out the Nexus 7 Jex bought, and started White Knight Chronicles. Not sure how high up on the nerddom scale that is. But I was declared the TechSupport of our house when we got the internet hooked up and the modem didn't want to communicate with the router. All I did was call internet provider for the IP address and ask for any tips in case it didn't work. It didn't feel like anything Nerdworthy.... but somehow it seems to be viewed that way. *shrugs*

Friday, July 27, 2012

Numbers and Shapes

So, my little brother is doing Geometry.
He needed help, so I volunteered. Even though I remember next to nothing about the subject.
And you know what?
I have fun.
And not like: "Oh, hey this isn't too bad. Spending quality time with little bro and all that."
No... I'm talking: "Ahhhh! I know that equation! Yay! Right answer! Wait, I don't know this equation. Yay! We figured it out! Woooohoooo!"
.... yeah....


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Epic Birthday

My littlest brother just turned 11.
Makes me feel all old and junk.

For his birthday we went to 'Quazar Laser Tag' in Norwich. Oh yeah right, forgot to mention that I'm in the U.K.
We decided on adults versus kids, the kids took blue and we were left with red. Which is alright by me, red team is better anyways.
In the back ground I could hear my littlest brother and all his pint sized mates talking about who they got to be.
"I want to be Superman."
"Nah dude that's lame, Mr. Fantastic." (how Mr. Fantastic is better than Superman is beyond me.)
"Oh! I'm the Hulk!"
"Dude! Batman!"

Honestly I thought they were playing pretend. You know all the hype with the new Spiderman movie and the (most awesome) Avengers. I figured it was some kind of game within the game we were about to play.

After the first game as I was taking off my laser vest I noticed a slip of paper fixed to the front of the vest. It read: Dracula.
So I look at my dad and ask: "Do you have a name on your vest too?"
Upon inspection he responds positively and says that he is: "Darth Vader."
My mother had noticed and chose to be Skeletor.
The older of my little brothers, Rocker, hadn't noticed either and ended up as King Kong.
My sister, always full of luck, also was clueless and turned out to have Megatron taped to her front.

Which made me think: How cool would it be to actually have a bunch of heroes and villains from various fantasy worlds collide?
Hell, just the idea of Skeletor, Megatron, Darth Vader, and Dracula in the same room makes me stupidly excited. (Though in all honesty they would probably all kill each other.) Sorry King Kong, you're too big for the building.

Ah the random Epic one finds at a birthday party.
Does this mean I'm still 11 at heart? (o.0) Well, Crap. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fish out of Water

I am a Nerd.
I speak in SciFi and RPG terms. Quite often I make jokes that are so dorky even I wince.

My family is not so nerdy. My dad watches anime, and everything scifi, but he thinks I'm crazy when it comes to RPG's, Magic, ect. My mother is a health nut who enjoys NCIS, manicures, mainstream shopping, and the spa. My sister is a beautician and though she leans to a subculture it's the emo/punk/goth subculture. My brother is an Xbox gamer, thank God, even if the games we enjoy are almost vastly different we have a few things we can share; like Mortal Kombat. And my littlest brother is going to be 11 tomorrow, Yeah.

I am a fish out of water, gasping for weter air.

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT A CON MOD IS HERE! *tear* no one *sniffle*

Luckily it looks like my littlest brother is a budding Nerd. He's usually glued to the Xbox and has just picked up his first magic deck. Lucky little duck didn't buy a precon deck, nooooo, a dude from church built him a white deck from uncommons and rares he didn't use much anymore. It's actually a really good deck. 

NerdKingdom, I miss you so.

Monday, June 25, 2012

You Know You're a Flaming Nerd When... vol. 1

You're watching a Liam Neeson movie and make the comment: "Charisma is NOT his dump stat."

When you notice an ability your spouse has (good or bad) you make up a clever name for it, as if it were an attack or a D&D feat.

You've coined the phrase "Marriage Meme" or something to that effect.

Most of your books are very intelligently written SciFi/Fantasy or practical knowledge books.

The ring tones on your phone are mostly video game related.

When you win a fight with an unruly Windows element you hear Mortal Kombat or Final Fantasy Fanfare in your head.

Talking about the viability/specifications of fictional technology doesn't seem strange to you for the first 10 minutes.

You've used more acronyms in a sentence than actual words (this can also apply to military members).

When you blurt out something super nerdy (for example: "That kid has to have a strength of, like, 18!" or "Happy Pi Day!") your friends understand what you mean... well most of them.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Off Topic Treasures

Page: You know one thing about gaming I can't get into is that it's not in line with real life.

The Entire Gamming group looks at her as if she's off her rocker.

Chris: Of corse not. I mean Call Lightning and Fire ball would totally not work in real life... that's why we're playing.

Page: No I mean stat wise.

Ashes: What?

Page: So like, yester day I was trying to kill this moth and I hit him 3 times like this. *Claps her hands together firmly* And he still flew around as if nothing happened.

Chris: There's allways a Miss chance.

Ashes: Moth dust gives them crazy Damage Reduction.

Page: But it's a MOTH it's practically made of dust. It should not have survived!

Chris: Miss chance!

Page: Displacer Moth!

Chris: Oh my God! This Moth has tenticles on it's back! That's it I quit!

<3 I really really love my gaming groups. <3

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beyond Pedo-Bear

Forget an intro post (click here if you must); I'm just going to jump right in with the most recent event in the NerdKingdom's region known to this one as SandLand.
(If one is interested one can read the adventures of our avatars look here )

Out of all gathered Sir Jex and I are the only ones without children. But we have plenty of younger siblings so conversations of the birthing process are not beyond us. In fact I was the one to instigate this particular line of conversation that lead to very strange places.

It all started with an e-mail I got that included recipes for placenta. Oh yes.
Then we started talking about umbilical chords and birth and all that goes along with it when Sir Tristan began a line of idea that made me nearly pee myself. It went something like this....

Le~Ashes: Mmmm Placinta.
one of the men: It's what's for dinner!
Sir Tristan: What would they name these recipes, Placenta with onions and potatoes?
Le~Ashes: Placenta Parmesan?

*laughter and clever names I can't remember*

Sir Tristan: We could taxidermy it and keep it.
Lady Cait: Oh god, make it into some kind of stuffed toy. Look daddy made it a hat. Mommy made it a scarf.
Le~Ashes: Could you even Taxidermize it?
Sir Stephen: I dunno.
Sir Tristan: It is a big hunk of meat.
Le~Ashes: But that's the stuff that usually gets taken out.
Sir Jex: We could make it into a meat sock puppet. *mimics a sock puppet with his hand and states in the creepiest voice he can muster* Hello Kids, let's play. Rawr!
Lady Amanda: Yeah, with a floppy nose and google eyes.
Sir Jex: Yeah like the creepiest cookie monster ever.
Sir Stephen: *laughs at his smartphone* Ok guys, take a look.
Everyone: What is it?
Sir Stephen: It's....

Many laughed, some died on the inside, and others were just plain grossed out... because the idea of a Placenta Bear is far worse than the idea of battering, frying it, and serving it with marinara and parmesan.