Monday, June 25, 2012

You Know You're a Flaming Nerd When... vol. 1

You're watching a Liam Neeson movie and make the comment: "Charisma is NOT his dump stat."

When you notice an ability your spouse has (good or bad) you make up a clever name for it, as if it were an attack or a D&D feat.

You've coined the phrase "Marriage Meme" or something to that effect.

Most of your books are very intelligently written SciFi/Fantasy or practical knowledge books.

The ring tones on your phone are mostly video game related.

When you win a fight with an unruly Windows element you hear Mortal Kombat or Final Fantasy Fanfare in your head.

Talking about the viability/specifications of fictional technology doesn't seem strange to you for the first 10 minutes.

You've used more acronyms in a sentence than actual words (this can also apply to military members).

When you blurt out something super nerdy (for example: "That kid has to have a strength of, like, 18!" or "Happy Pi Day!") your friends understand what you mean... well most of them.

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