Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Peasant Gamer

I am a peasant gamer.

Which means I have next to no disposable income to throw at all the shiny new games I think I want to play.

To buy games I do research to try and divine weather or not I'll actually enjoy said game, then I stalk it till it's somewhere around $10. A lot of times I wait for a 'game of the year' edition or a 'classic'/ 'remastered'/ some one sells their kid's crap on ebay disk. There are very few exceptions to this, like Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch; I bought it used for $30.

And I don't really mind or feel like it holds me back much. Every now and again it's a bit of a pain, some games just never go on sale. Maybe it would matter more if I was into MMO's.
Even so, sometimes I feel like a hipster poser. "Guys, guys, I only play games that are at least a decade old." *laughs* No not really, but it can seem that way sometimes.
 I play older games because I'm terribly frugal (i.e. poor by U.S. standards) not because they are necessarily better. I also have the pleasure of talking to other gamers about the older games I just picked up and getting invaluable advice. It's great to actually talk with some one rather than reading text on a screen. Sometimes I even get animated reenactments of ragequit moments. I love it!

This also enables me to afford things like gas, food, and electricity and have some extra money to save for the next Gen system. So yeah it took me 8 years to get my hands on a copy of Witcher but I enjoyed it the same as I would have all those years ago.

I tip my hat to you other budget and peasant gamers out there. We're alright.

[catchy send off phrase here]

Saturday, April 26, 2014